A young man, Destiny, rescued a pangolin from being cooked in Cross River State in south-south Nigeria and placed a call to PCGN. We reported that here. We praise the conservation spirit of this young man! We arranged for the care and retrieval of the pangolin from Destiny who managed to keep it alive while it was with him. The pangolin was delivered to the Drill Ranch Team in Cross River State through the Nigeria National Park Service (NPS), and was immediately attended to by a team of expert veterinarians. The pangolin was found to be about 6 weeks old and weighing 350 grams; indicating that it had been separated from its mother at a very young age. It was very stressed, dehydrated, and lethargic. Pangolins are very fragile animals which once removed from their natural habitat, may suffer severe health deterioration and starvation. Unfortunately, after concerted efforts from the vet team, the pangolin’s temperature met some dangerous lows, and eventually, it ceased breathing. This tragic outcome highlights the challenges pangolins face in the wild. At PCGN, we are deeply committed to the cause of saving these animals, working with partners to rescue, rehabilitate, and advocate for pangolins. Let us honour this pangolin by doubling our efforts to protect its kind. Thank you for standing with us!
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